Một số vấn đề lý luận và thực tiễn về chủ nghĩa xã hội và con đường đi lên chủ nghĩa xã hội ở Việt Nam (tiếng Anh)
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16 x 24
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Việt Nam
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Advancing towards socialism is the aspiration of the Vietnamese people. It was the right choice made by President Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party of Vietnam because it was consistent with historical development patterns and the realities of Vietnam. This has been tested and challenged by the experience of the revolutionary struggle of the Vietnamese people for the past 90 years, particularly during the 35 years of renewal (Đổi mới). “Our country has never enjoyed such fortunes, potentials, and international status and prestige as they are today.”1 This achievement of great historical significance has validated that the path taken by President Ho Chi Minh and our Party was the right one, reinforcing our people’s faith and determination as Vietnam travels on the road towards socialism.

At the 13th National Party Congress, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized: After 35 years of renewal and 30 years of implementation of the Platform on National Construction in the Period of Transition to Socialism, the theories on renewal guideline, on socialism and the path to socialism in our country have been further improved and realized, step-by-step. Documents of the 13th Party Congress have also described the high-level tasks of building up the Party politically, ideologically, and theoretically: Raising the Party’s philosophy, analyzing theory and reality, applying scientific principles to plan for the Party’s directions and guidelines and State’s policies and laws.

In order to reorganize the theory and practice of socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam, to facilitate theoretical research, reality checks and to ensure a better understanding of socialism, the Central Council on Theoretical Studies in coordination with the National Political Publishing House has published the book, Theory and Practice of Socialism in Vietnam, by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

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